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InnerJoys Wellness

Holistic Health 


InnerJoys, Inc, our passion is to encourage the responsible use of cannabis. InnerJoys is an independent, nonprofit educational organization that provides resourceful information on nature's medicine .

We are committed to providing the most reliable, up-to-date information about cannabis based on experience, research, and wisdom. 


The desire is to provide vital information to help make informed decisions on the use of medicinal plants. 

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, InnerJoys gladly welcome your support of our educational programs by sharing our purpose and becoming a member.


"Come Grow with InnerJoys"

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Join Us
Become a member of InnerJoys today and discover the amazing world of herbs through an independent, reliable source!


"Happenings" a calendar of events, 

"Mindful Dialogue" a podcast of informative topics,

Product Recommendation, and much more.

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At InnerJoys, Inc. is to light your life with information and education on the joys of nature's herbs. We live in a world that depends on technology and science. Did you know that herbs are technology and science known as nature? Nature is intelligence, the technology designed for the science of YOU.
Since 2016, InnerJoys, Inc. has been educating on medicinal plants' safe and practical uses by hosting educational events to experience medicinal herbs and discuss their healing benefits. 

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) transmits signals when cannabinoids enter the body. These signals positively affect numerous systems in the brain, heart, stomach, and extremities. Cannabis has effects by attaching to specific receptors in the body and telling them to use more of their cannabinoids. The endocannabinoid system runs deep and touches all of the body's major systems, and that's why cannabis can promote so many positive benefits for us.

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Educating the
community on
holistic herbal health 

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Helping Hand



We are excited to contribute to the healing of today's energies through nature's medicine.

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We embrace that when you work with experts and establish a partnership, the community grows.

Step-by-step processes for making medicine efficiently; best practices when working with herbs; and easy-to-implement tips for incorporating herbal medicine into your everyday life.



“Cannabis has been very helpful for me. I have a liver condition, so natural pain relievers like cannabis are not toxic, like acetaminophen is. My doctors agree - having access to natural medicines like cannabis has extended my life.”


"Before, it was difficult for me to settle the mind of negativity; cannabis has given me inner joy. By embracing nature's medicine, I alleviated the stress of anxiety." 


"Cannabis gives me patience and peace, you only get one shot in current physical. Why not enjoy the journey...inner peace, innerjoy!"


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